Organizational Transformation through Rapid Leadership & Change

S3’s proven OLT (Organizational Leadership Transformation) is a program to empower your organization to carry out its mission

ž And the vision, which includes:

  1. Customer Focus
  2. Performance Measurement and Results

While Reducing the Cost of Services

  1. Mid-Manager Empowerment and Engagement
  2. Use of Latent Talent and Resources
  3. Consolidation Where Needed
  4. Build Bench Strength

Action Learning is a process that involves a small group working on real problems, taking action, and learning while doing”

Outcomes include a sustainable Client-focused Management that:

  • Focus on the client
  • Work through self-organizing teams
  • Continuous improvement based on experiences with clients, with front-line input
  • Be open about improvements required for progress
  • Communicate interactively through stories, questions, conversations
  • High-performance teams solve problems
  • Empowering you to transform how your organization operates and provides services
What’s required for this Organizational Transformation?
  1. A commitment of Executive Leaders to Cross-boundary and Departmental Team-lead improvement efforts
  2. “Rapid Transformation” focuses on short and longer-term changes.
  3. OLT Action Learning Projects – Board and staff take knowledge from OLT course and apply new skills to specific “action learning” projects in and across departments

“S3 Solutions is a sought-after consultant to management in the areas of board governance, non-profit operational strategy, and organizational transformation and leadership…. Upon coming alongside us, Steve did a top to bottom review of all governance processes and made several recommendations that have improved how managers report progress to our board… He has also become a valued advisor to me as Executive Director, helping me to both understand implications of board decisions on the future governance of the institution, as well as recommendations on how to better interact with all stakeholders… Thank you!” – Bonnie

Learn more and start your organization on the path to rapid organizational transformation today!


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