Operations Systems

Eight Tips to Decrease Your Board’s Liability Exposure

Organizations of all sizes have risks. Choosing to retain, transfer or mitigate risk is a daily cost-of doing business, and a deeper discussion for another time. Today’s focus is for corporations (be you a for profit, or not-of-profit), organized with a board and bylaws (or constitution, or both!) Follow these eight-tips for smoother sailing whatever […]

Board Development Operations

Are We Meeting or Truly ‘Meeting’?

  While Soccer, (Futbol), is indeed the “Beautiful Game“, we can compare good associations or organizations’ board of directors’ meetings to athletic contests that are well-officiated. Imagine you’re putting on the Zebra stripes, donning a whistle, and viewing this topic with me through the lens of a referee. Both require preparation, experience … and leadership. […]

Messaging Operations Sales & Marketing

Produce an Annual Report that People Will Actually Read

Remember those 45-page annual reports with pages and pages of text, financial tables, and donor lists? Right, nobody reads those things anymore. Plenty of organizations of every size still produce those kinds of ponderous, year-in-review documents, but that doesn’t mean they’re getting read very much. To make an annual report that people actually want to […]

Operations Uncategorized

How Nonprofits and Board Members Can Respond to COVID-19

 A growing list of excellent resources for non-profits seeking COVID-19 navigational guidance, thanks to our friends at BoardSource. Also – If PPP, EIDL and SBA applications are the new mutterings you find yourself uttering during hours of both wake and sleep… Rest assured that S3 is here to help. To date we’ve helped our […]

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